Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Personal Opinions.

Hey people!
Just before i post, i should just remind you again. This is my personal opinions. Agree or disagree, there isn't a need fr a debate here by th end of my post.(:

First, its all about dressing.
I dont see a need why people must give a kind of look like "You see! This girl dress like a slut" , you know ! I mean like, how we dress up is our problem, there is nothing t do w you. Maybe, you dont have fashion sense or you're dare not t wear. Or worst ? your mum dont allow, and you're only allow t wear Tee w 3/4 pant. Tsk! Please follow up th fashion trend and one day you'll understand.

Second, appearance.
Fr most of us, we always judge people by their looks. Sometimes, dressing as well. We will always whisper t our friends like, "Look! This girl/guy, so -.- one ley. See how they dress! Anyhow match clothes one, blabla." I admit, i used t be like this. But, im starting t change my attitude and started t make friend w them. &guess what! I can guarantee tht, their heart is so much better than some hunks and babes. (Okeh, maybe not all. But most.) Serious. If you doubt what i say, you should just try socializing w them.

Third, gangsters.
I dont get it why so many people out there like t behave like a gangster. If you really very ehsai, then nobody will bad mouth behind your back.(Assumed) But, some really thou they very ehsai when they're obviously not. Just because they have more friends than th opposite, they think they'll beat them down fr sure. Think about it, if you was th one in trouble, alone, yet your opposite have about 3 people. would you dare t take up challenge w them? I just dont understand why people nowadays like t big eat small. Some are worst, just like m'sia students, if you happened t see th video on facebook. You'll understand.

Fourth, bitches.
They really have guts t bad mouth others behind their back, when confronted, they will keep denying and act one good. (Fact: no guts t own up) As thou, we dont know like tht. Two headed snake really suck big time. They can be good t you when they are w you, and when they are w others, how sure are you tht they wont talk bad about you. We always trust our friends too much, they make use of us, we still dumbly believe their stories till one day th truth is out then they start t apologize and stuffs like tht. It takes years t build up a trust and it takes a day t break th trust. Trust yourself before others.

Fifth, guys.
Usually, most girls will agree tht guys are jerk. When they have a girlf, they'll still make more girl friends. When they see other girls are better, they'll break up w th current and go w th new old. (Not all guys but most of them) When th guy get hold of th new girl, and realized tht this new girl wasnt as good as th previous, they'll break up w this new girl and beg or in nicer way woo back th old one again and apologize tht it's his mistake t "run" away w another girl and promised tht they'll never do again. (Yes, some will not repeat th same mistake, but some will still go back t th old way.) &when some girls are less easy t handle or t get hold of, guys will keep irritate and gossip around w their friends, saying about this particular girl he like. Like, what's th point manzxc, seriously.

Uh k, i know this is a super wordy post. &i do know some are really going t be unhappy w what i posted. Like i said, all these are my point of views and what i seen and maybe experienced since i grew up. If you're unhappy w what i posted, you should just leave and never come back. Cause, i wont entertain. &guess what, im considering if i should remove my tagboard. HAHAH! alright, enough of all th words. Just keep your negatives in mind cause i never ask fr any.

Finally updated! Will post again when i've something on mind.