Sunday, 4 April 2010

Hi lovely.

28th :
Stayed at home fr th whole day ,  i suppose .
Forgot . :x

29th - 30th :
Went to school as usual .
After school went to siglap , i think ?
Forgot ! O:

31th :
Didnt attend school , rotted at home whole day .

1st & 2nd:
Went to school as usual . After school , headed home .
Prepared and stuff . Left house during 7plus ?
Bused over to Bedok Inter , bought bubble tea & walked over to main road .
Waited fr Christina & her parents to come . Walked over to her dad's car .
Then went to tampines 400plus fr dinner . Ate , chatted , drank .
After dinner , walked over to Alan's house .
Waited downstair fr him to come down and then Yaw Huei came .
Walked to 400plus kopitiam , as Yaw Huei wanna eat . Waited fr them finish foods and drinks.
Then went to Kuanseng's house . Used comp and slacked awhile , then went down 400plus kopitiam .
Ate coin prata there and drank bandung syrup . While some of them had prata and drinks , others only ordered drink .
Around midnight , Christina left fr home . While th rest of us ( Kuanseng , Alan , Uncle , Xiufeng , Erwin(?) , me , Ah zhun(?) & Yaw Huei ) slacked till morning .
Uncle and Ah zhun didnt went , while th res of us went .
After tht , th rest went home to bath while i went over to Xiufeng's house to bath .
Prepared and had a talk w Xiufeng while waiting fr them to get ready .
Around 8plus ? Went to gather at playground . Waited fr them to buy greenfriend then bused to changi .
Bought drinks and fishing stuffs , then went to take boat to Pulau Ubin .
Rented bicycles there and cycled around . Alot of mosquito there and I got th most bites . O:
Damn itchy and sunny . Ofcourse tahan fr th whole day till 4plus .
Went to return bicycles and took boat back to changi .
Had our dinner at changi , then bused back home .
Showered and stuffs , went to have a good sleep .

3rd :
Woke up in th morning . Washed up , ate beehoon .
Used comp till 2plus . Went to prepared and bused to AZ Building .
Bought durian puffs and waited fr aunt to come .
Went over to her car , then went to her house .
Fetch Christina outside , then brought her to my aunt's house .
Took swimming stuffs and headed over to swimming pool .
Saw my 3rd aunt there . Went to change and swam .
Swam & Ate BBQ foods till10plus . Then went to steam bath , after tht went to shower .
Left aunt's house around 11plus or 12 ?

4th :
Stayed at home whole day .
Dont intend to go out , tired !
Gonna do my art homework soon .